Tag Archives: toaster oven

I’m as Sane as Ever

Note : Mental Health is not a subject to be made fun of unless it’s mine. My family constantly suggest that I may have issues in that realm. Not all of my personalities agree.

Shelter In Place(SIP) order given: March 26 2020.

Now for some me time.

Day 10 of sheltering in place(SIP):
Having spent a lot of time with myself lately, I remember why I don’t like hanging out with me.

Day 12 of SIP:
They started coming out today. I knew they would. It was just a matter of time before the stark bareness of SIP life would force internal conflicts to fracture into separate personifications. Fortunately none of my personalities have any violent intentions but I really wish they would pick up after themselves. I am not their full time maid.

Day 14 :
The personalities have started venturing out and hooking up with the appliances. This is not usually a problem but lately the appliances are starting to talk back. Soon they will start breaking off into cliques. Fortunately the appliances I use the most frequently have taken my side, or one of my sides, in the whole sorted affair. I try to not think about which side it is. That thought could drive me nuts.

I consider this fortunate because I would have a hard time adjusting without my coffee maker, dishwasher and my microwave. One good thing is that toilets are not considered appliances by any of the cliques.
Don’t spread this around but I think they have no interest at all with the commodes (the commodes politely told me they don’t like the toilet moniker). Keep that close to the vest.

Day 16:
At this point, there is no animosity among the groups but I fear that it won’t be long until they go all “Lord of The Flies” on me. The recent addition of a sewing machine was not a good decision. I now have nightmares featuring the sewing machine stitching me to the ground Lilliputian style.

Day ? Time doesn’t mean anything at this point:

I need to keep alert. I nodded off for a few minutes and when I woke up my toaster oven appeared to have moved closer to me. In hind site, I should have made more use of the ones that can easily harm me, like the toaster oven.

Due to its recent arrival, the sewing machine and I have no relationship so the Lilliputian nightmares have become more detailed. This forced me to confront the possible pain of needles to various parts of my anatomy, ouch.

Day ? (whatever). New Development:

My appliances, my personalities and I have called a truce. The personalities will no longer encourage the appliances to attack me. Therefore, I’ve promised not to cut the power.

Ten weeks of quarantine and I’m as sane as ever.