Tag Archives: lunch time

The “Anti” Culture (Old Guy Ranting Against Old Guys Ranting)

You have now re-entered Jr High School. Welcome to the anti movement. All of your relationships and “coping” mechanisms have now been replaced by those of 13-17 year olds.

WTH? It’s as if the entire country has regressed to junior high school and playing out the same old juvenile tropes of yesterday.

We’ve become anti science, anti love and anti social period.
It’s like the jocks picking on the geeks and the popular kids are left to decide which side they fall on.

Never have so many people proudly declared they are
anti all good things..

I’m not sure they care what exactly they are against just so long as they are against something positive. Every once in a while they wake up and realize that what they are against are their own interests. That kind of epiphany is rare and often occurs without any witnesses. If no one saw them wake up are they really awake or are they still sleeping?

Wake up? Woke? Anti-Woke. Yes they are now against sudden revelations that point out that people were being asshats, assclowns or some other form of derrière and that it would probably be good to start working on a little self improvement. How dare people wake up to the reality that they have been ass ______(fill-in-the-blank).

The term “woke” is now being uttered derisively to illustrate that they are not part of a movement who gives a crap about whatever the woke folks are giving a crap about. This sounds perfectly understandable. Understandable that is if you are in Jr. High School.

Just make sure you sit with the proper group at lunch time.