Tag Archives: Lions Tigers and Bears

Two Roads Diverged in A Yellow Wood and I took Both*

Traveling through the woods on a cold winters night I came to a fork in the road and I pondered which to take. The left was bare and devoid of growth while the right was overgrown with everything that is green. The right would be slow going but looked more inviting. Before choosing, the sounds of one man grumbling ambled along the left road.

When the man appeared around the bend I blinked several times and rubbed my eyes. He looked like me. So much so that he could be more than a doppelgänger and close to an exact copy. Without a mirror I could not say what was different other than the clothes and perhaps a few years. He noticed me and he stopped, barely did a double take and stated “Well I’d avoid this road if I were you.”

“Why is that? Lions and Tigers and Bears?”
“Cute. No, it can change a person. Not all people but it certainly changed me and you are probably susceptible.”
“Did you grow a third nipple?”

“Ha, yea I like that 3rd nipple bit also but no it was more on a personality level. It was as if Machiavelli possessed me.“

“How so?”
“I took life way too seriously. I sought power in many parts of my life. At some point I decided I had as much power as people thought I had.”
“And that is a bad thing?”
“It is if it transforms you into something you’re not.”

“So you became an ass!^#%”
“Well this blog is for the general population so no I became an ass-hat.”
“What about ass-clown?”
“No, ass-clown is not as serious. It implies some levity and accidental “assery.””
“Nice alliteration, could be a band name.”
The man didn’t blink.
“Definitely sounds machiavellian. Did it work?” I asked.
“Yes but not without consequences.”
“What were those?”
“People began to call me an ass-hat behind my back.”
“Why was that?
“Because that was what I had become.”

“So what brings you here.”
“I decided I needed to change my ways and a relocation will cement that thought into my psyche.”
“Good luck,” I said as the man headed down the road to the right.”
“Thank you son , choose wisely,” he shouted over his shoulder.
I pondered his parting words but I had already chosen.
His cautionary tail had rang true and I turned to the right.

*My apologies to Robert Frost.