Tag Archives: Boxers

I’ve Got the Music in Me

I do not spend much time living in the past because I did some pretty stupid things back then. I do, however, put energy into forgetting those stupid things. That is the reason I am always on the lookout for new music. New tunes do not carry the excess baggage associated with any past incidence(s) stupid or otherwise perpetrated by me. It’s reserved for that in the future.

It’s quite refreshing to listen to new music unabated by the reminder of stupid Dan tricks and buoyed by the knowledge it is a tabula rasa waiting to be imprinted with new imbecilic memories

I rely on good friends to snap me out nostalgia land.

How can one recognize when I am in that state? There is a good chance I will not be talking at said time. My head will be slightly cocked to one side in a manner that will remind you of a family dog. Boxers are especially adept at this.

The corners of my mouth will be slightly upturned and I will appear to have a slight smile on my face. This is a key juncture as it is often followed by a grimace. The second the corners of my mouth turn up is the moment I should be slapped.

You may think why does this guy waste so much time thinking such trivial thoughts? A legitimate question with a legitimate answer. I’m nuts and it is good for me to express myself, at least that is what the nice doctor told me.

Remember making fun of ones mental condition is never acceptable unless that one is me.

Well I’m off to create new memories. Take heart , I’m wiser these days.

There is only a 50-50 chance that it will be something stupid.

In case there are doubts about my sanity I give you exhibit A.