Written on the cusp of a new year.
This story brings together characters introduced in previous blog posts. The links to those are referenced upon their first mention.
The pandemic and its accompanying lock-down(s) has worn my sense of humor down to the size of a putt putt pencil. Therefore this post is not full of my usual jocularity. Yea I know. Can someone who uses the word “jocularity” be very funny?
The fog that seemed to enshroud my mind
is finally giving way to lucid thoughts between periods of confusion and insanity.
When : Last Week
Where : The fertile imagination of the author.
(Hey if he says it’s fertile then it’s fertile. This will go a lot smoother if you just capitulate right now)
Locations: Various sets are littered throughout the authors mind, or is it sets littered with the authors mind? It could go either way at this point.
Location 1: A familiar but empty pub on Capitol Hill.
A few specters, male in form, briefly occupy the pub. They are accompanied by a few feeble voices having a conversation debating the propriety and danger of governing predicated upon conspiracy theories.
“But our conspiracy theories were for fun and no one took them seriously, ” Said the bearded man.
“I agree. No one ever died over a penny, millions of pennies maybe but never a penny,” replied Mr. Panama.
The nondescript bartender chimed in, “There have always been conspiracy theories and people that believe them.”
“True, but what if the world was on the same party line.”
“What do you mean by party line?”
“That is what the internet has become for those who people have said are “great thinkers.” (The phrase”Great thinkers “brought to you by the noun sarcasm.)
“Hurray for 2021“
The sound of static is heard as the pub disappears and fuzzy visions of toys come into focus.
“So remind me again why we are quarantined,” asked Yo.
“Because some kids in the shelter tested positive for COVID,” replied Xena.
“Yea but we can’t die from it. You said it yourself,” replied Yo.
“No we can’t but we can be carriers.”
“Well yea but the children probably won’t die.”
“Rather cavalier of you. What if they were your kids or your parents?”
“Yea, that’s bad. I see your point.”
“Hurray for 2021.“
Location 2: The Pearly Gates.
Both Herbert and St. Peter are working at the welcome desk and each are manning their own line. The pandemic has been hell on heaven. Hell is no picnic either but Hell is always hell.
Herbert paused before servicing the next arrival.
“I wish people would wear their damn masks.”A glare from Peter forced an apology from Herbert.
“I’m sorry St. Pete.”
“Have I mentioned that I prefer Peter.”
“Um, yes sir.”
” I will let the “damn” go for now because these are difficult times. People not wearing their damn masks is not helping.”
People, just wear your damn masks.
“Hurray for 2021.” Alright we get it. The author is glad 2021 is here.
If you missed the character links
Mr. Panama, The bearded one and the nondescript bartender were introduced in an earlier blog posting [https://thesoundoflaughter.wordpress.com/2016/02/21/the-art-of-the-conspiracy/]
Yo and Xena were introduced in this posting.
Herbert was introduced in this posting.