Tag Archives: China

Gee Elon, What Could Go Wrong?

Elon Musk wants to be Trumps efficiency expert.

That’s scary. I can foresee quite a few scenarios inspired by his takeover of another entity he didn’t start, Twitter (Yes I still call it that) and they involved seemingly random staff cuts. He would discover he needed some of them and had to try to get them back. That example doesn’t leave me with a warm fuzzy feeling . Remember Self driving cars and underground tube transport systems. You can bet he want’s to get rid of all Auto Safety standards and anything that doesn’t allow his self driving cars to become a menace on the roads. Yes, no warm fuzzies what-so-ever.

The following dialogue is from a purely fictitious conversation that I imagine could be possible. I shouldn’t have to mention this but this is a parody. Maybe someday the voices in my head can talk to the voices in Elon’s head and straighten out any confusion. I hear he’s working on a brain chip for that.

Key: U = Unknown person soon to be kicked out of Elon’s inner circle.

Note: It is not believed that Elon has an outer circle. I am giving him the benefit of doubt that he as an inner one. Or at least an inner dialogue of various voices.

U – “Mr Musk, what is your first idea when it comes to streamlining the goverment?”

Elon “Well, do we really need a separate ambassador for individual Asian countries. Why can’t we just have one I for the whole continent I mean aren’t they all the same?

U- “ Sir, you do realize that China, Russia and India are just a few of the countries that are part of the Asian Continent and that Asia makes up 60% of the worlds population. It’s home to about 4.46 billion people speaking about 2,300 languages.”

“I can read a map as it’s currently laid out, for now. I still stick by my statement that they are all the same.”

U – “So you are suggesting that one person serve as liaison to the entire continent when two of those countries represent the biggest threats to the U.S. and world peace?

“Hmm, That seems like a problem that I like to categorize as someone else’s. It’s all going to be a moot point when Donald invites China and Russia to divide us up for whatever spoils he can negotiate. He is a master negotiator you know.”

U- “Yes, I’ve heard that claim often, mostly from him.

Did you ever notice that his only goal when negotiating is to not look stupid?”

“He never looks stupid.”

U- “No, not until the aftermath sets in and he’s not around or not held accountable for it. If that does happen he is very practiced in the crude and ancient art of finger pointing. It’s his best defense mechanism. “

“That may be true. I heard he may call it blame-it-su and trademark it. Which I think is brilliant.”

U- “I’m not sure about your Diplomat reduction idea. What other ideas do you have?”

“I have a great way to streamline Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.”

U- “Interesting, Do you have any idea what the basic living and medical costs are for a retired or disabled person?”

“No but it can’t be as much as mine. I mean yes I am a billionaire but it costs more for a genius to live these days.”

U – “Interesting and perhaps ironic.”

“How’s that?”

U – “Well Nicolai Tesla is considered a real genius and he ended up living on soda crackers and the kindness of others.”

“Yes, but he wasn’t a billionaire was he.”

U “No. What’s your point”

“I can’t rely on the kindness of strangers.”

U- “No argument here.”

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